Diaspora Dialogue: Art of Kawbena Ampofo-Anti, Alexander “Skunder” Boghossian, and Victor Ekpuk

Diaspora Dialogue: Art of Kawbena Ampofo-Anti, Alexander “Skunder” Boghossian, and Victor Ekpuk
Join us for the conference and exhibitions, and explore how jazz has influenced the visual arts and how the visual arts have affected jazz. Combined, the exhibitions will include more than 100 works that reflect a range of media, including three-dimensional art, audio and film, photography, paintings, drawings, prints and works on paper, fiber arts, and musical instruments. The conference will include several events, such as an opening reception; multiple discussions led by distinguished guests such as keynote speaker Robert G. O’Meally, the Zora Neale Hurston Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University and founder of the Center for Jazz Studies; and a performance by Branford Marsalis at the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center.
Organized in conjunction with an exhibition and a conference:
Convergence: Jazz, Film, and the Visual Art
February 15-May 31
David C. Driskell Center
University of Maryland, College Park
Organized by the David C. Driskell Center
and the American Jazz Museum, Kansas City, MO.
Jazz: A Dialogue in the Performance and Visual Arts
February 14-15
Grand Ballroom in Adele H. Stamp Student Union
University of Maryland, College Park
Register online at www.umuc.edu/jazzysymposium.
Conference and Exhibition
General Public (through January 15, 2013): $75
General Public (after January 15, 2013): $95
UMUC/UMCP Faculty and Staff: $60
Students: $35
Conference, Exhibition, and Performance
General Public (through January 15, 2013): $95
General Public (after January 15, 2013): $100
UMUC/UMCP Faculty and Staff: $85
Students: $45
Request additional information, call 301-985-7937 or visit umuc.edu/art or driskellcenter.umd.edu.